Online Course in The Astrology of Healing



Diploma Students

Each lesson is $150 and the payment is due when the lessons become available for downloading. There are 7-8 lessons per year. Anyone who wishes to pay annually instead of when the lessons become available can receive a 10% discount.

There are additional costs for overseeing the papers at end of each level:

Level One: 25-40 pages, $150

Level Two: thesis, 80-120 pages, $750

Level Three: approximately 200 pages, dissertation, $1500

These prices include the cost of the diploma.

Level One

There are an estimated 27 lessons plus paper in Level One, total $4200.

Level Two

In Level Two, there are nine lessons plus thesis, $2100 if paid in installments or $1850 if paid at the beginning of Level Two.

Level Three

In Level Three, there an estimated eight lessons plus dissertation, so $2700 if paid in installments or $2400 if paid at the beginning of the Level Three Program.



Each lesson is $50 with a 10% discount if paid annually.


Additional Discounts

Anyone who was enrolled in the Correspondence Course can take $25 off whichever lessons are most similar to the lessons paid for in 1996-7. This would probably amount to $75 the first year, $100 the second year, and $50 in Level Three.

Anyone who was enrolled in Master's Classes can deduct a maximum of $15 per lesson. Please mention the sponsor of the class in which you were a participant and where the class was held.




Lessons on Stress || Lessons on the Elements
Lessons on the Conflict of the Elements
|| Lunar Lessons


Poulsbo, Washington

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